
Showing posts from November, 2010

the things they say

So this morning I (as usual) was in a hurry.  Eme (as usual) was having trouble finding socks, and drama was following her.  Eme comes to me as I'm scurrying into my clothes, and says, "Momma, Ele won't let me wear her sock.  It's only one sock Momma and she's mad."  Well what do I do.....I pop off with, "Whoopie doo Eme.  Wear the sock, it's not a big deal."  Eme walks off and Robert says, "Did you just say whoopie doo?"   I didn't reply cause I didn't have time before we hear Eme with her infamous words...."Momma said...."  yep, she said, "Momma said....whoopie doo. I'm wearing them Ele."  Robert started laughing and I just said, "Oh hush....usually it's you!".  Have a great day yall! God Blesses!

I still love my bear!

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I am so blessed and thankful. For sometime now...well ever since my cookin became good..haha..Momma has wanted me to make my Grandmothers famous chocolate pies. I have refused. I am good at cooking and enjoy creating and simplifying recipies. The chocolate pie was perfected long before I was born. I knew that if it came out bad...well let's just say they're are recipes that are handed down in our families that prove you are a cook. I'm truly blessed to have the blood...and heart (of those who are not by blood but have helped raise me) of great women. Today is truly special....for today I became a cook. My pride lies not in my accomplishment....which looks and tastes (I helped lick the bowl) pretty darn good. My pride lies in the fact that I did not do it alone. I made a memory and continued a tradition. Those in heaven led Eme and I to make a memory of a first for us...and not a last...for Eme and I made choc pie together. Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Uncle

Happy Thanksgiving

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Chic pie

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So I was going to write about how we talk about keeping the Christ in Christmas, but it is seldom heard about keeping the Thanks in Thanksgiving.  A lot of people call it Turkey Day....Do we give Thanks enough for the blessings in our lives?  So we let everyone know that Thanks and Blessings go hand in hand....that God is the center of those blessings and Thanks?  Thank you God!  Then this morning as I was pulling out of the drive I wanted so bad to take a picture and post it.  Abby (the poop eating dog....I know I've blogged before about how poor Abby loves cat poop)....well Abby was sitting so anxiously staring at the eyes followed to the cutest white kitten...with his hind legs crouched up to his ears, using the bathroom.  SOOOOO bad I wanted to post the picture with the title..."Abby...anxiously waiting for breakfast!"  Then I decided no....I need to talk about Thanksgiving....then I decided to lighten your mood for the day.  So for Thanksgiving.....say


So anybody who knows Ele is aware that she has ALWAYS been a gassy child. Well I come upstairs to find the girls waiting in our bed for me to pray...needless to say Goldilocks stunk up the room. I had to cover up my face and got onto her about not doing that under the covers and sat on the end of the bed. Ele very innocently says...she was being satcastic like her Daddy says.."Yall don't love me anymore?". I said, " Not that baby. You just have a very unique smell." Ele replies with, "What does that mean?". Now of course Eme hasn't said anything till now...when she says, " It means you've got BAD GAS Ele!" God Blesses! Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


Please pray for a friend of Jess'.  She lost her 1 1/2 yr old in a tragic home accident.  They are all going to have a very difficult time.  I can't imagine, and don't want to.  May God give them peace. God Blesses!


Lex's big 11th bday is tommorrow!  My Boogie-Boo is growing up! May God Bless yall with a Boogie like he has us!

four year difference

Four years ago, Ele was asked by her 1st grade teacher what she was thankful for....her reply was, "I'm thankful for God helping my Mom."  Aww....we all cried and were amazed.  Now she is in 5th grade, and what did she say when her teacher asked her, "I'm thankful for my pets, my family, and my money!"  Yes Ele is our saver, and believe it or not the girls and I prayed sitting on the couch that very morning before they went to school!  Somehow we've gotta work on the priorities there!  haha!  Have a great one yalL! God Blesses!


Live each day.  Simple sentence, but when you say it stressing each word and saying it loudly, it develops new meaning.  In the book of Matthew God tells us to not worry about the future, and the plan he has for us, but to live each day.  Now think about it.  God tells us that and then we still try and plan out our future.  What is it we say to others...if you can't handle the little things I tell you to do, then why should I trust you with the larger ones?  Do you think God is doing that?  We don't listen and live today to it's fullest, so why should he tell us about the plan he has for us?  I truly believe that if we live each day and follow what God wants of us, we will live a very happy life.....yes LIVE. God Blesses!

cowboys my dear hubby is traveling again.  He is planning on leaving this morning.  As I was walking out the door I hollared...I'm sure assuring him...that he have fun and be safe and all of us would hold down the fort.  All of a sudden Eme comes skipping through the kitchen going "Whoo Hoo!!" she was riding a bronco.  We all laugh and Robert "sarcastically" says while smiling..."I'm sure yall will!"....wonder where those kids get their attitudes and sense of humor from....some days I think their doomed.  haha! God Blesses!


Friday morning Karen lost   won her battle against the devil for she is in heaven now.  Someday we will win the war against cancer.  Please remember her family and friends....and all cancer patients, caregivers and survivors.  We do not go to the funeral home for those who have died, and we do not pray for those in heaven, but those who are waitin their turn to walk through the pearly gates.  Thank God for Blessed Assurance. God Blesses!


Colton made it thru fine...keep up the prayers.  Today is Veterans Day....God Bless all our soldiers....I heard something today.... If you don't want to stand behind our soldiers, try standing in front of them. Please pray for Karen, her family, and her friends… she is now in hospice. She may be losing the fight, but we know she will reap the spoils….please pray that someday we will win the war. God Blesses!


Please pray for the little Cuz Colton.  They are finding out what is causing his stomach pains the grace of God!  Please pray for Jess, as we have all prayed for him to get better for what has seemed like a VERY long time....but it's always hardest on Momma.  It's easier to fight a monster if you know what it is. God Blesses!


God gives us strength thru the good times and the bad...thru happy and sad....thru all the days of our lives.  I read a verse this morning that made me think of how God never leaves our side, but also never stops strengthing us to stand on our own, nor hold us up when we are down.  Do we acknowledge that, do we even realize it?  Many days we rush and run, barely stopping to eat.  Jesus died for our sins, but we can't take two minutes out of our day for prayer?  We can, we should, and we will by realizing that we need to turn to Jesus not only in the bad times, but in the good as well.  God Blesses! I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:12-13


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