
I remember different "phases" of my life where I found my compasion for mankind slipped or it seemed as though they were "lost" to you know what I mean? It was if I had lost hope that the majority of the world truly cared, and in turn my patience and faith in turn seemed like it was gone as well.
Lately I have found this to be true, yet again, and it has bothered me a great deal. I can remember the times in my life specifically, and each time something dramatic "woke" me up out of it and made me realize that there are Angels among us. Is it that or is it that the devil works in our lives, and then God saves us? I thought about it and prayed going into work this morning. When I did.... I understood, that by admiting that I was scared because of my feelings that I was facing the devil. How truly blessed I felt when I knew I was not alone in the fight. We walk everyday with Angels, we just don't know, and then when we get that glimpse (of God working through others in our lives), we feel the warmth of God's love Bless us. Be a blessing to someone today. Open your heart to the posibility and let God work through you!

God Bless!


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