
I'll post some pictures in the next few days. I have been teaching the girls very well! Yesterday Lex needed her bike tire patched and Daddy said they were going to have to go get it done when Lex replied, "Can't we just use Duct Tape?" Then on the way to soccer practice, Lex and Ele start squealing in Goody because there was a spider on Lex's side. Lex would not step in it, even though she had shin guards and cleats on. So I hand back my shoe and she proceeds to whack it, and kept on….this went on forever! We were all laughing and all you could hear was whap, whap, whap! Ele says what's taking so long, and Lex says it's fell down in a crack as she keeps whap, whap whap! We were all dying laughing when you hear Ele say, "You're gonna HAVE to put this in your blog!" Have a good day yall! Please pray for those families who have lost loved ones, and for those who are fighting, and ready to fight their battles.

God Bless!


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