
OK so picture this….4 little girls, myself, and Robert in Dollar General. Robert has the buggy and is entertaining the kids. Robert tosses a ball to Ele. Now Ele has ALWAYS had an arm, but the demonstration was priceless on this day.

Ele throws the football back to Robert and it sails over the clothing section and two isles past, (two isles from the front of the store) lost to our view. We all gasp and I immediately run to one of the back isles. I hear scrambling after me and giggling girls. All of a sudden this whirl of my husband runs past, skids at the end of the isle and turns the corner (yes at this point we are at the back of the store). Hannah, bless her heart appeared to be the only one with any sense says, "What about your purse?" I gasp and say, "He left it. He left my purse!" You hear Robert's voice from the other isle say, "I'll go get it!"…as you hear rustling and running feet. I look at the girls and told them to go with him, find out where the ball landed and apologize if it hit someone. I go back to shopping. It was soon reported to me that no bystanders were hurt and the ball was less than one foot from the baby food jar section.

Morale of the story….Don't give Ele a ball in an enclosed area, Don't let Robert guard the purse, and let a second grader be the level headed one in panic situation.

Happy Easter…I got splinters from cleaning the Church yesterday. Can you imagine how small of a thing that was for Jesus on the cross compared to it all?

God Bless!


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