
Both girls have allergies a muck, Momma is trying to get the bloodthinner worked out, and I think I'm getting funky again. Nothing really works out like we plan sometimes does it? We think things will go a certain way, and they most of the time don't. Then others those that are more wise, tell us what is going to happen only to be ignored by us...we know better. Our relationship with God is like that most of the time. We think we know better, and ignore his words of wisdom, then we hear in our mind the words of the Bible, and admit...yep the Bible said that would happen...if I had only listened. Listen up....and we'll feel a lot better. Last night Robert and Eme were folding towels, which Eme was only doing part way when Robert was getting onto her. I heard Eme say..."I'll be glad when I am a grown-up." Robert of course asks why. Eme simply replies, "Recause I won't have to listen to you anymore."

God Bless!


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