
Sometimes we make mistakes. We have all the facts in front of us to determine a situation. We know that the choice we are making is the right one. The deductions and solution are correct, and we cannot be wrong. We believe that there are no assumptions in the factoring because we have everything covered. We even plan for the unexpected. Now, what if one little factor was left out. We did not know one thing, something in which we did assume, unknowingly. It is a little thing, but something that is at the beginning of the planning process. Something that completely makes our deduction false.
Now think that situation is not planning for an expence, but a situation with someone. The situation is someone's life. You just believed incorrectly of them, you made a mistake. God tells us in Job, "I know your thoughts....which ye wrongfully imagine..." Let us not imagine something today and hurt someone's feelings, and inturn, let us always be upfront about our lives, so as not to lead someone to believe wrongly of us. Have a great weekend...but today just have a great one, and not worry about tomorrow!

God Bless!


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